Congratulations, You’re almost there!!
Writing your experimental Procedures:
By now you have done your background research on your subject to ensure that you thoroughly understand your subject. When you write up your experiment, remember to write every little detail down. For example, if you are pouring liquids into containers to check their freezing temperatures:
1. Place the identical plastic containers on the table
2. Remove the container lids
3. Measure out exactly 1 cup of water from the tap
4. Record the Water temperature
5. Pour the water into the first container
6. Measure out exactly 1 cup of olive oil from the olive oil container
7. Pour the olive oil into the second plastic container
8. Record the olive oil temperature
9. Place the lids securely on the plastic containers
10. Place each container in the freezer
11. Record the freezer temperature
12. Etc.
Remember that your experiment steps you write out before you do your experiment need to include EVERY SINGLE THING you will be doing. Depending on how complicated your experiment will be you will have anywhere from 10 to 100 steps in your procedure. The judges will be looking for completeness and thoroughness. You cannot have too many steps in your experimental procedures. For example, we could have put in the steps
· Turn on the water tap
· Remove the olive oil container cap
· Open the freezer doorGet the idea?
Please read the attached to ensure you have materials/procedure complete: Materials and Procedure and or go to the site and go down to "Testing your Hypothesis" section. Email that you need help (